Colour Pop Bouquet
Colour Pop Bouquet
Brighten someone's day with our stunning Colour Pop Bouquet! This exquisite arrangement features a harmonious blend of roses in rich hues of red, orange, pink, and white, with a touch of green tinged with red for added depth. Accented by the elegant purple iris, lush stock, and delicate pink lilies, this bouquet is a true celebration of colour and beauty. All these gorgeous blooms are artfully wrapped in soft pastel pink, making it a perfect gift for any occasion. The Colour Pop Bouquet is sure to bring a burst of joy and a splash of colour into any space.
Standard size:
- Contents: 18 mixed colour roses, 3 Iris, 3 Lilies.
- Stems: 27 total stems of flowers and foliage
Regular price
$149.00 NZD
Regular price
$189.00 NZD
Sale price
$149.00 NZD
Unit price