Allure Bouquet
Allure Bouquet
Absolutely! Introducing the "Allure Bouquet" – a breathtaking blend of Colombian Red and Mauve Roses, elegantly accompanied by Pittosporum Mountain Green foliage and the subtle aroma of Eucalyptus. This enchanting bouquet is expertly wrapped in a soothing pastel ocean or aqua shade, intertwined with crisp white. A harmonious composition of natural beauty, "Allure Bouquet" is the perfect gift for any occasion, radiating elegance and capturing the essence of floral allure.
Standard size:
- Contents: 10 red roses, and 10 mauve roses.
- Stems: 23 total stems of flowers and foliage
Regular price
$144.00 NZD
Regular price
$169.00 NZD
Sale price
$144.00 NZD
Unit price